Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Loud and Clear: The Power of God's Voice

"The voice of the LORD makes the deer give birth and strips the woodlands bare.  In His temple all cry Glory!"   Psalm 29:9

I was having my quiet time this morning when I opened to Psalm 29 and began to read.  I had just finished the book of Joshua and decided to take in a Psalm before I started my day.  The entire Psalm is sharing with us about the power of God's voice.  We read that it "thunders," "flashes" and "shakes."  In the middle of the all of the statements of power we read that his voice causes the deer to give birth.  Now while I was reading this passage, the sun was coming up and was getting brighter and brighter on my face.  I had a moment of worship.  The same voice that causes animals to give birth also commands the sun to rise each day.  Now I share that because I wonder how often we forget that simple, yet beautiful truth.  We worry and struggle about small things.  We doubt and have hearts that are filled with anxiety.  Why?  Because we forget the power of the voice.  We are all guilty of listening to our own voice rather than His.

One of my favorite quotes of all time is from Martyn Lloyd Jones who tells us that most of our unhappiness in life is a direct result of listening to ourselves instead of talking to ourselves.  God speaks every day and speaks loudly.  We hear Him in the laughter of children and in the rain.  He reminds us through these words that He is all powerful and that He does know best.  As I write this post, I have a close friend who is in Africa doing mission work.  Another dear friend is going through the process at IMB to go wherever God opens a door.  These men are doing this for one purpose: to make God's voice heard.  Who do you know that needs to hear it? 

The truth is, when we listen to our voice rather than His we are crippled.  We play it safe and don't walk by faith.  Our voice asks, "what if?"  Our voice always speaks of the worst case scenario.  God's voice reminds us that He owns it all, runs it all and has a plan (Romans 11:36).  If He knows every time a sparrow falls to the ground, how could I not listen to His voice?  How could I not trust Him?  Our God truly is an awesome God.  He is speaking even now.  Are you listening?

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