Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Joy of Family Worship

Prov 22:6
6  Train up a child in the way he should go;
even when he is old he will not depart from it.

I have heard this verse all of my life.  More often than not, it was in the context of a person sharing that this is why they brought their children to church.  I have heard comments such as, "The Bible says to train up a child, that is why I bring them to Sunday School."  While church attendance surely fits into this verse, I believe what is most often overlooked is that this verse is all about parental responsibility.  No doubt children are trained in Sunday School (if this isn't happening there is a problem), but the emphasis here and all throughout Scripture is that parents train their children.  Deuteronomy 6 commands parents to learn God's law and then teach their children.  Psalm 78 instructs parents to share with their children so that they may "hope in God."  Ephesians 6:4 commands fathers to raise their children in the "training and instruction" of the Lord.  There are many other examples I could list but I think you get the idea.  The plan is for families to worship and study together first and then the church comes alongside to encourage and strengthen.

I almost titled this article the "adventure" of family worship because that is what it is.  I was almost moved to tears last week when we were watching television and a woman shared that she read the Bible with her dad and my youngest son yelled, "Hey we do that!"  That moment pales in comparison to some of the discussions we have had on sin, heaven and creation.  Of course there are the funny moments.  A six year old trying to say "Leviticus" is always interesting, as a matter of fact it came out "Leviboticus" kind of a strange combination of Leviticus and robot I think.  Then there was the time that we were praying earnestly for a missionary who was in prison and facing death only to learn later that my son was having us pray for the Apostle Paul (from his Sunday School lesson).

I love seeing my kids connect the dots between the Old Testament and New.  I love sharing with them as we read Psalm 2 that they are, in fact, reading about Christ.  What I love the most is that we do laugh, we do cry and we do share our burdens together.  You see, what they are learning in our home is a picture of something greater.  They are learning the Word of God for sure, but they are also learning about what it means to be a part of God's family.  They are learning that His family is much bigger than our five and does indeed consist of people from every tribe, tongue and nation.  I also believe family worship gives them a preview of the time in the future when we will sit at the Lord's table together. 

Is it challenging?  Absolutely.  Just like every family we are busy with church activities, homework and sports.  We have to fight for this time with everything we have some weeks.  However, one truth remains.  If I don't train my children who will?  Am I going to farm them out and hope for the best?  God sent all three of them home with me.  It is my God-given responsibility as a parent.  When I stand before Him, no excuse will be sufficient.

I want to encourage you, start the adventure today.  Embrace your mission at home.  Experience the joy that is family worship. 

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